Transform your smile with Invisalign®

You don’t have to settle for smile imperfections. With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth without the need for fixed metal braces. Book a FREE consultation with our team today to learn more.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners are made from a strong plastic material that is capable of applying gentle pressure to your teeth. The aligners are laser cut to fit your gum line, which makes them incredibly comfortable to wear. Most people forget they are wearing their aligners after they get used to them.

Each aligner set in your treatment plan will apply pressure to your teeth in a sequence. As you move through your case of aligners, you’ll find that your teeth are getting closer and closer to perfect alignment. At the end of the treatment plan, you only need to wear a retainer at night time to maintain your perfect smile.

The Invisalign treatment plan

We start with a consultation to find out if you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment. We will then scan your mouth to create a 3D computer-generated image of your smile. This system isolates each tooth and determines the optimum alignment and the movements needed to get there. We can then show you what your smile could look like after treatment.

If you choose to go ahead with treatment, we’ll send your scans and impressions to the Invisalign lab where they will create your custom aligners. When you return to the practice, we’ll show you how to wear your aligners, how to remove them, and how to care for them at home.

You will need to follow the treatment plan at home and make sure you are wearing your aligners for at least 20 hours a day. If you don’t wear the aligners enough, your treatment is at risk of failure. We will ask you to visit the dentist throughout treatment for checkups to make sure everything is moving as expected.

Who is a good candidate for Invisalign?

We recommend Invisalign for anyone who would like to improve their smile but who doesn’t want to wear fixed braces. If your teenager is no longer eligible for free NHS orthodontics, private treatment with Invisalign could help to boost their confidence.

Adults can also benefit from Invisalign at any age. Provided your teeth are generally healthy and you have an alignment case that can be fixed with Invisalign, you could be an ideal candidate.

How long will my treatment take?

Invisalign treatment times vary depending on a number of factors. First, we need to consider if your case is simple or more complex. If you are choosing to have a single arch or both arches straightened will also have an impact on treatment times.

Finally, how well you can follow the treatment plan will also impact final treatment times. If you struggle to wear your aligners for the full 20 hours per day, your treatment might take longer, could be more uncomfortable, and is even at risk of failing.

How do I get started with Invisalign?

The first step is to book a FREE consultation with our team to find out if you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment. As a leading provider of Invisalign in Manchester and throughout the North West, we can manage your treatment from start to finish.

Invisalign treatment starts at just £2,995 per arch, and this includes a free initial consultation and free teeth whitening to complete your stunning smile makeover. Secure your spot today and start your journey to a brighter, straighter and more confident smile.

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If you have any questions please call us now to this number: 07759 998 555 and we will happily help you or email us: